Metasequoia Ver4.2.4 (64bit) is running. Build time: Jul 18 2014 11:37:54 Windows version : 6.1 (Windows 7 x64) Number of CPU : 8 Physical memory : 8015 MB Exception code: c0000005 (EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION) Access violation at address 0000000000000000. Write of address 0000000000000000. Module: C:\Program Files\tetraface\Metasequoia4\Metaseq.exe 0x000007FEFC95BD12 dlumd64.dll: OpenAdapter10_2 + 174738 bytes 0x000007FEF8703CE2 D3D11.DLL: D3DKMTCloseAdapter + 766650 bytes 0x000007FEF864915D D3D11.DLL: D3DKMTCloseAdapter + 1845 bytes 0x000007FEF864446E D3D11.DLL: D3D11CreateDeviceAndSwapChain + 82806 bytes 0x000007FEF86371EB D3D11.DLL: D3D11CreateDeviceAndSwapChain + 28915 bytes 0x000007FEF863255A D3D11.DLL: D3D11CreateDeviceAndSwapChain + 9314 bytes 0x000007FEF862CB54 D3D11.DLL: D3DKMTGetDeviceState + 1976 bytes 0x000007FEF862D1B2 D3D11.DLL: D3D11CoreCreateLayeredDevice + 374 bytes 0x000007FEF862FE03 D3D11.DLL: D3D11CoreCreateDevice + 3923 bytes 0x000007FEF863047B D3D11.DLL: D3D11CreateDeviceAndSwapChain + 899 bytes 0x000007FEF86300EC D3D11.DLL: D3D11CreateDevice + 92 bytes 0x000000013FAA787F Metaseq.exe: TD3D11PaintBox::GetDXVersion11 + 319 bytes 0x000000013FB56858 Metaseq.exe: TFormMain::InitD3DVersion + 72 bytes 0x000000013FB53235 Metaseq.exe: TFormMain::Initialize + 17717 bytes 0x000000013FBB9FD9 Metaseq.exe: wWinMain + 857 bytes 0x000000013FD9C2A6 Metaseq.exe: operator delete[] + 468 bytes 0x0000000077AC59ED kernel32.dll: BaseThreadInitThunk + 13 bytes 0x0000000077BFC541 ntdll.dll: RtlUserThreadStart + 33 bytes