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[9714] Wavefront exporter errors / StefanWulph
[Bug report,Wavefront export] Response
Hello all.
I'm trying to export my models to Wavefront (*.obj) but
of late the exporter will take random strips of faces and transfur them to different groups.
I can save my models to *.mqoz just fine with out errors.
But looking at the *.obj files in MQ4, Blender 3.3 3.4 and other viewers the errors are VERY evident.
This is very frustrating and time consuming to fix if fixable and some aren't.
Other then this MQ4 has been very helpful and useful in my modelling for Realflight and Paper aircraft models especially for texturing.
2023-03-02 09:39
[9715] Re: Wavefront exporter errors / Administrator
I cannot confirm the problem you mention.
If possible, please send your data to our support so that I can verify the issue.
And, please also let us know what options you have selected for the output.
2023-03-02 14:09
[9711] 頂点の結合ができません。 / aimain
Done [Bug report,頂点,結合] Response




metasequoia4 Standard   4.8.4b   64bit
PC マウスコンピューター Daiv
プロセッサ Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-8700K CPU @ 3.70GHz
RAM 32.0 GB
Windows11 Home バージョン22H2

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2023-03-01 05:40

Show the middle 1 messages.

[9713] Re: 頂点の結合ができません。 / aimain

2023-03-01 14:21
[9710] ツールパネルの分割もしくはボタンの色を変える機能 / y
[Request] Response


2023-02-22 03:18
[9706] メタセコ新バージョンが出る可能性はありますか? / taiin
Done [Question,お礼] Response
2023-02-19 09:48

Show the middle 1 messages.

[9709] Re: メタセコ新バージョンが出る可能性はありますか? / taiin
Tag has been changed from [Question] to [Question,お礼].
2023-02-20 15:11
[9704] cant use metaQ anymore crashes / metaSeq Script editor no longer works
[Announce,py script non works] Response
none of the py scripts arent working anymore.
no error it just crashes whole metaq
any script i run it crashes, even from folder scripts not working
cant use naymore :S
2023-02-17 15:14

Show the middle 1 messages.

[9707] Re: cant use metaQ anymore crashes / Administrator
Have you solved the problem yet?

While it is rare for a Python script to terminate abnormally when used, it is possible for a problem to occur, e.g., by using the wrong function call.
We can't offer any advice without knowing what script you are running, but please let us know if you know what the offending trigger is.
2023-02-20 10:56
[9693] Object plugin updating objects / d4rt
Done [Question,object plugin] Response
Is it possible to update an object before the plugin's Execute function returns TRUE or do I have to use station plugins for this?
2023-02-16 21:02
[9703] Re: Object plugin updating objects / Administrator
An 'Object' plugin is normally unloaded, and loaded only when called.

A 'Station' plugin are always loaded. In addition to user-operated processing within an independent panel, it can also monitor status, timer processing, etc.
2023-02-17 09:25
Not necessary [Announce,help ME AM STUCK HERE:] Response

>s = MQSystem
>d = s.getDocument()
>o = d.object[d.currentObjectIndex]
>o.translation = s.newPoint(0,0,0)
>o.rotation = s.newAngle(0,180,0)
>m = o.rotation.getMatrix()
>for v in o.vertex:
>    n = m.mult3(v.getPos())

it rotates model SO far i need it to rotate center of the model WORLD  when i click Rotate it rotates fine in there x axisi 90.  and i cant cant get working to move object down :s
same as selecting Move and move it down. :S idk :S
2023-02-17 03:27
[9702] Re: HELPPPPPPP / Administrator
Please don't post unnecessarily continuously. This is not your exclusive space. If you post too repeatedly, we may limit or delete your posts.

Please consider first trying to solve the problem through trial and error and self-help.
2023-02-17 07:52
[9677] flip horzitanly :S / cant mirror in code dsnt let me select mirrored fa
[Request,help! ] Response
import MQSystem

doc = MQSystem.getDocument()
objects = [None, None]
objnum = doc.numObject

for oi in range(0, objnum):
    obj = doc.object[oi]
    if obj is None:
    if == "obj1":
        objects[0] = obj

for obj in objects:
    if obj is None:
    obj.mirrorType = 1  # Separate at center
    obj.mirrorAxisX = 1  # Disable X axis mirroring

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2023-02-14 09:30

Show the middle 11 messages.

[9700] Re: flip horzitanly :S / no error in code.
>s = MQSystem
>d = s.getDocument()
>o = d.object[d.currentObjectIndex]
>o.translation = s.newPoint(0,0,0)
>o.rotation = s.newAngle(0,180,0)
>m = o.rotation.getMatrix()
>for v in o.vertex:
>    n = m.mult3(v.getPos())

it rotates model SO far i need it to rotate center of the model WORLD  when i click Rotate it rotates fine in there x axisi 90.  and i cant cant get working to move object down :s
same as selecting Move and move it down. :S idk :S

2023-02-17 03:23
[9668] Change object's local axis via plugin or script / d4rt
Done [Question,local axis] Response
I have a few objects consisting of 1 face each. I need a way to automatically align the local axis of these objects with the faces' normal vector. Is it possible to do so via a plugin or a python script?
2023-02-11 01:20

Show the middle 7 messages.

[9689] Re: Change object's local axis via plugin or script / no error in code.
>I have a few objects consisting of 1 face each. I need a way to automatically align the local axis of these objects with the faces' normal vector. Is it possible to do so via a plugin or a python script?

need snipped to move Obj1 to up bit and rotate 180  in 3dview port with py script ! :S
2023-02-15 17:28
[9688] help rotate obj1 to 180 and move it down / no error in code.
Not necessary [Request,help! ] Response
import MQSystem

doc = MQSystem.getDocument()
objnum = doc.numObject

# Find the object to move
for oi in range(objnum):
    obj = doc.object[oi]
    if obj is not None and == "obj1":
        print("Found obj1")
        if hasattr(obj, "translation"):
            # Move the object down by 1 unit
            translation = obj.translation
            translation.y -= 1
            obj.translation = translation
            # Rotate the object 180 degrees
            rotation = MQSystem.newAngle(0, 180, 0)
            obj.rotation = rotation
            print("obj1 does not have a translation attribute")

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2023-02-15 15:40
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