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[9686] Move object down and rotate / no error in code.
Not necessary [Request,help! ] Response
    import MQSystem
    import math
    doc = MQSystem.getDocument()
    objects = []
    # Find the objects we want to move and rotate
    for oi in range(doc.numObject):
        obj = doc.object[oi]
        if obj is not None and == "obj1":
    # Move and rotate the objects
    for obj in objects:
        # Move the object down
        obj.translation.y -= 10.0  # Adjust the value to move the object to the desired height
        # Rotate the object
        mtx = MQSystem.newMatrix()
        # Set the matrix to rotate around the X axis by 45 degrees

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2023-02-15 09:47
[9674] FILE> EDIT> attribute> selected> object Delete Lines / Delete LINES
Not necessary [Request,help! ] Response
import MQSystem

doc = MQSystem.getDocument()
objnum = doc.numObject
for oi in range(0, objnum):
    obj = doc.object[oi]
    if obj is None:

    if == "obj": = 1

hmm i cant find to delete Lines in there :/  so script editor deletes lines for me ! doing script but cant find that one :S
2023-02-13 13:38

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[9681] Re: FILE> EDIT> attribute> selected> object Delete Lines / Administrator
Don't you understand what 'pseudo code' means?
It doesn't work as is, so you need to make your own improvements to incorporate it.
See more standard samples included in the Script folder.
2023-02-14 14:04
[9669] i cant find Join closed vertices Code / material poperty parameters
Done [Request,help! ] Response
Join Closed Vertices:
Any vertices in the current object, which are close to each other, are joined together. (A dialog box appears, which you use to specify how close together the vertices need to be.)

i cant find Join closed vertices Code

import MQSystem

doc = MQSystem.getDocument()
objnum = doc.numObject
for oi in range(0, objnum):
    obj = doc.object[oi]
    if obj is None:
    if == "obj": = 1

for oi in range(0, objnum):

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2023-02-12 10:16

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[9673] Re: i cant find Join closed vertices Code / material poperty parameters
>MQObject.optimizeVertex() joins vertices within a specified distance. Is this function what you are looking for?

yes thnx!
2023-02-13 13:35
[9662] Script editor / material poperty parameters
Done [Question,Who are you?] Response
how to change material poperty- parameters  when selecting model then it changes all the materials selected object only

for obj in ObjectEnum() do
  mat = MaterialGet(obj)
  MaterialSetAlpha mat, 1.00
  MaterialSetDiffuse mat, 0.80
  MaterialSetEmission mat, 0.75
  MaterialSetSpecular mat, 0.00
  MaterialSetPower mat, 5.00
  MaterialSetAmbient mat, 0.00
  MaterialSetReflection mat, 0.00
  MaterialSetRefraction mat, 1.00

Error code
Failed to execute a script in line 1.
Invalid syntax. (invalid syntax)
for obj in ObjectEnum() <<<do
2023-02-09 05:13

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[9667] Re: Script editor / Administrator
What you are asking for is already in the response I have already given, but I will state the same sentence again.

The 'Help' menu in the script editor contains descriptions of classes, functions, and properties.

Please check within the help to see what properties MQObject, MQMaterial, etc. have, and what types they are.
2023-02-10 15:49
[9659] bridge attach form / Riton
Not necessary [Question] Response

I would like to link 2 cube and cylinder objects together. I read that the Bridge function exists but I can't find it.
2023-02-06 19:40

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[9661] Re: bridge attach form / Administrator
[Help] has a search function, so please make good use of it.
2023-02-07 15:48
[9656] jpgとpng / たけし
Not necessary [Request] Response



2023-02-02 13:32

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[9658] Re: jpgとpng / たけし

2023-02-03 06:35
[9654] Why deleting UV also deleting Face too ? / Neptrone
Done [Question] Response
Hello, Why deleting UV also deleting Face too ? is it possible to remove all UV Map without deleting face ?

2023-01-22 07:05
[9655] Re: Why deleting UV also deleting Face too ? / Administrator
The reason a face is deleted is that you are performing an operation that deletes the face.

To begin with, UV is always the coordinate value that the face has, and there is no method in Metasequoia to delete UVs. Though, you can set the UVs of each face to the same value by using such as [Unify].
2023-01-24 12:25
[9651] ウェイト / ドラえもん
[Question] Response
2023-01-19 18:30

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[9653] Re: ウェイト / ドラえもん
2023-01-20 16:00
[9571] Direct x or .x importer / Moggy
Not necessary [Question] Response
Will you be implementing a .x importer?


2022-11-03 17:21

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[9650] Re: Direct x or .x importer / Moggy
>>>the .x format maybe old but its still supported by some people in the industry.
>>I don't know what industry you're in, but I believe it is risky in every respect to continue to use an industrial system that relies on old technology and does not support modern formats.
>>However, if you must do so, as already mentioned, an external converter can solve the problem right now. Have you considered that option?

No matter , I found a number of free solutions that don’t involve online conversions! It’s a shame there is no .x importer for your software. Life find a way!
2023-01-18 00:51
[9646] SDKの定期的に呼ばれる処理について。 / たあし
Done [Question,SDK] Response


2023-01-03 14:53

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[9648] Re: SDKの定期的に呼ばれる処理について。 / たあし

2023-01-05 19:02
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