still no result launch crash again but thanks anyway, here's the new log I'm a bit despair :
Metasequoia 4 Ver4.5.7 (64bit) is running.
Build time: Oct 11 2016 15:22:43
Windows version : 6.3 (Windows 8.1 x64)
Number of CPU : 8
Physical memory : 8110 MB
Direct3D11 Driver: Intel(R) HD Graphics 4600
DeviceID: 1046
SubsysID: 285545570
Revision: 6
FeatureLevel: 11.0
Exception code: c0000005 (EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION)
Access violation at address 00007FFEA1F74000. Write of address 00007FFEA1F74000.
Module: C:\Program Files\tetraface\Metasequoia4\Metaseq.exe
0x00007FFEA1F74000 <Unknown Module>: <Unknown Symbol>
0x00007FFEA29158DA dxgi.dll: CompatString + 7834 bytes
0x00007FFEA2915C32 dxgi.dll: CompatString + 8690 bytes
0x00007FFEA29162A1 dxgi.dll: CompatString + 10337 bytes
0x00007FFEA29161A0 dxgi.dll: CompatString + 10080 bytes
0x00007FFEA291603E dxgi.dll: CompatString + 9726 bytes
0x00007FFEA291C6EF dxgi.dll: CreateDXGIFactory2 + 159 bytes
0x00007FFEA2A0056E D3D11.DLL: D3D11CoreGetLayeredDeviceSize + 18302 bytes
0x00007FFEA2A00734 D3D11.DLL: D3D11CoreGetLayeredDeviceSize + 18756 bytes
0x00007FFEA29F5FB1 D3D11.DLL: D3D11CreateDeviceAndSwapChain + 1969 bytes
0x00007FFEA29F5D06 D3D11.DLL: D3D11CreateDeviceAndSwapChain + 1286 bytes
0x00007FFEA29F5B7F D3D11.DLL: D3D11CreateDeviceAndSwapChain + 895 bytes
0x00007FFEA29F58E4 D3D11.DLL: D3D11CreateDeviceAndSwapChain + 228 bytes
0x00007FFEA29F57EC D3D11.DLL: D3D11CreateDevice + 332 bytes
0x00007FFEA29F576C D3D11.DLL: D3D11CreateDevice + 204 bytes
0x00007FF74B1F3ECF Metaseq.exe: TD3D11PaintBox::GetDXVersion11 + 319 bytes
0x00007FF74B2B2D8A Metaseq.exe: TFormMain::InitD3DVersion + 74 bytes
0x00007FF74B2C1F01 Metaseq.exe: TFormMain::DoIniInfo + 4577 bytes
0x00007FF74B2AF1D4 Metaseq.exe: TFormMain::Initialize + 19412 bytes
0x00007FF74B32911D Metaseq.exe: wWinMain + 1389 bytes
0x00007FF74B54BE42 Metaseq.exe: `eh vector destructor iterator' + 558 bytes
0x00007FFEA71B13D2 KERNEL32.DLL: BaseThreadInitThunk + 34 bytes
0x00007FFEA8B054E4 ntdll.dll: RtlUserThreadStart + 52 bytes