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[7686] Python script import / Nick
[不具合報告] 返信
Win 10 64 bit/Metasequoia 64bit Registered Version installed in default location.

I have written two python scripts where the main script imports functions from the second script. They are saved together in My Documents folder.

If I start Metasequoia, open Script editor and open and run the main script it works fine.

If I start Metasequoia, open Script editor open and run one of your example scripts (from default location in Program Files) and then open and run my main script I get error- cannot find imported module.

I don't know if this is Windows UAC problem or Metasequoia error.
2018-06-05 11:55
[7687] Re: Python script import / 管理者
Please confirm where is the import path by the following Python command.

In the current version, the path is determined by the filename you run first. And, it is necessary to reboot Metasequoia to change the path unless you call sys.path.append().

In the next release, we will fix that the path is updated every time.
2018-06-05 14:20
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