Metasequoia BBS

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[6582] Metasequoia .fbx skinning issues / MarieRose1301
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Hello I'm having a problem exporting a model to .fbx. The lower body and leg skinning becomes 100% on all vertices, however the upper body and lower legs are fine. Could it be because of the bone setup?
ファイル [c.PNG]
2016-06-09 20:01
[6584] Re: Metasequoia .fbx skinning issues / 管理者
The PMD editor cannot import .fbx directly as far as I know. How did you import the .fbx file in the PMD editor?
2016-06-10 11:32
[6587] Re: Metasequoia .fbx skinning issues / MarieRose1301
>The PMD editor cannot import .fbx directly as far as I know. How did you import the .fbx file in the PMD editor?

I have exported the .pmx file from Blender 2.75
I've tested the bones on the import to Blender they were broken, however I've fixed the issue. It turned out the bone system is important for the .fbx export
ファイル [Capture.PNG]
2016-06-10 16:55